
4161 posts 41 followers 56 following

... I would like to highlight my own comment regarding the Mercers' financing of Parler. I think it is entirely possible for Parler to be both the product of home grown fascists like the Mercers as well as a operation influenced by Putin’s regime. These things have a lot of moving parts and there is plenty of room for a host of bad actors to involve themselves. Their interests overlap and align tremendously and there is ample precedent in both the NRA funding shenanigans we’ve seen in the last few years as well as the history of oligarchs in direct control of state apparatuses working in coordination with those uber rich whose influence of state mechanisms is more indirect (like the Kochs and the Mercers).

Reposted from merelygifted



This is awesome on so many levels.

Ladies and Gentlemen i present to you John Carpenter’s The Thing, as performed by the claymated, Antarctic cast of the hit children’s animation Pingu. Directed by Lee Hardcastle, in under 3 minutes. Noot, Noot.

Reposted from merelygifted